Mojácar Public Fountain

Mountain of life, social and commercial centre, the necessary meeting point throughout history. Its water spouts still serve today to supply Mojácar and neighbours from other municipalities, who don’t hesitate to travel many kilometres with their bottles and containers to stock up on its waters.
Very early in the morning, the women of Mojácar walked back with their large pitchers full of water on their heads. The narrow, winding streets which lead to the fountain have not prevented it being for centuries one of the main meeting points of the locality. The women who collected the water for consumption in homes gave way to the laundry women and them to the animal watering trough area. The source of the water coming from the Sierra Cabrera has served for watering the fields, and for this reason became the main need of those who saw in the current location of Mojácar the ideal place to establish themselves.

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The fountain has 14 frontal spouts and one at the side, which pour into three bases. Perpendicular to these there are three channels. Nearby was the mill, and together they made up an area of major socio-economic importance, which became host to the area’s commercial fabric.
It underwent major reforms in the 19th century and a subsequent reconstruction in the 1980s, which changed the old appearance for the current, more modern.
The fountain complex is recorded in ancient Arab texts. In 1488 it was the historic setting for the ambassador sent by the Catholic Monarchs for the peaceful surrender of the locality. Here one can see the plaque which summarizes the interview between Captain Garcilaso and the Arab mayor. According to the legend, after being the only place in the region not to go and surrender to the Catholic Monarchs, the last Muslim mayor of the locality, Alávez, convinced the majesties’ envoy not to expel them. His words: “…I am as Spanish as you, when those of my race have been living in Spain for more than 700 years…” They made an impression on the emissary.
In memory of the peaceful step from the Muslim culture to the Christian, the Moors and Christians Fiesta is held over a weekend close to the 10th of June. Leaving a prevailing multicultularism which has lasted for years in Mojácar.