
The first vestiges of human presence in the region date from the Middle Paleolithic era, and the first traces in Mojácar from the Neolithic period. Phoenician and Greek Mediterranean colonists arrived, attracted by the mineral wealth of the precious metals in the nearby Sierra Almagrera.

The Romans started to conquer the area at the end of the 3rd century B.C. The Barbarians invaded in the 5th century, and remained until the beginning of the 8th century with the arrival of the Arab armies and the start of the long Muslim period.

Although remains proving that Prehistoric man lived on the present site of Mojácar have been uncovered, we also know that between the 6th and 7th centuries AD and until the mid 13th century, the town, first a Visigoth, and then a Muslim settlement, was located in what is known today as Mojácar la Vieja with its pyramid-shaped hillock, the Montem Sacrum, next to the river Aguas, a river which supplied one of the most impressive surviving cisterns dating from the Kingdom of Granada.

In 1488 the mayors of the entire area gathered to surrender to the Catholic Monarchs, with the exception of the Mayor of Mojácar. Captain Garcilaso de la Vega was therefore sent to the fountain to speak to Alabez (Mojácar’s Mayor at that time), who explained his reasons for not surrendering:

“I am as Spanish as you when my race has been living in Spain for more than 600 years, and you tell us to go. I have never raised arms against the Christians. I therefore believe it’s fair that you treat us like brothers, not like enemies, and that you allow us to continue working our land.” He added: “Before handing myself over like a coward, I will die like a Spaniard.”

In the middle of the 19th century a rich seam of silver was discovered in Sierra Almagrera, creating greater wealth and an increase in the population of Mojácar and the surrounding area. All the mines were closed at the beginning of the Second Republic, leading to a wave of emigrants.

During the 1950s the Almeriense painter Jesús de Perceval founded the Indaliano Movement, which had its roots and aesthetic capital in Mojacar, and which spread the word of its name, magic and charms all over Spain.