Mojácar holds the revived Cuartillas Fiesta

Last weekend, to celebrate and honour San Antonio, Mojácar held the Cuartillas Fiesta for the second time after a break of 70 years.

The initiative to continue with the revival and improvement of this event in their patron’s name came about through proposals by children and grandchildren of those townsfolk who were forced to leave their homes and lands in the past, in search of a better life.

The past fiestas, of which there are hardly any visual records, bring back vivid memories to the older generation, who still fondly remember those special days.
This year, it has been a special tribute to Pedro Grima Flores, who in his 76 years, never turned his back on the Cuartillas, even through the harsh challenges and living conditions of the post war years. To this day, he continues to look after his land and home after witnessing how his neighbourhood was practically abandoned, with the satisfaction now that the Cuartillas have been brought back to life.

At this year’s midday fiesta, a giant paella was made for more than 300 locals and visitors, who all came along to enjoy the festive day. Also during the Mass, the bread was the blessed and shared with the congregation. Later of course, was the essential entertainment provided by the group “Alma Andaluza”, with dancing until the early hours.

The hope and enthusiasm that the Cuartillas supporters started with last year by reviving local customs and traditions has already paid off, with the recent creation of their own Association. One of the first things on their agenda is the restoration of their chapel, which will require various fundraising initiatives in order to make this wish, so dear to many, come true.