Mojácar schoolchildren run “kilometres of solidarity” in aid of Save the Children.
Christmas, as everyone knows, is a time of magic and dreams, particularly for children. The presents, holidays, games and getting together with the family, with the hope of catching a glimpse of Santa Claus or the Three Kings make it all extra special for them.
However, not all children have the same luck at Christmas, as well as at other times of the year. So, with this in mind and in an age when the need to support others is much more present in our lives, the schoolchildren at Mojácar’s Bartolomé Flores School joined the “Kilometres of Solidarity” project set up by Save the Children.
360 children volunteered to take part in this mini marathon through the town’s streets, a race which had no winners or losers, all of them contributing one euro to this charity that works so hard for children’s rights.
Save the Children suggested the project to the AMPA Parents’ Association and the School Management, an idea immediately taken on by them, as well as the enthusiastic youngsters who were keen to collaborate and join this initiative to help less fortunate children.
AMPA, along with Save the Children organised the event which is part of the “Escuela, Espacio de Paz” Project developed jointly by the Parents’ Association, Bartolomé Flores School and Mojácar Council.
AMPA members handed out of bibs and information leaflets, taking on the role as “volunteer staff” to make sure that everything went off smoothly, as well as contributing to the donations collected by the young athletes to make it even more “supportive.”
Routes and schedules were designed according to the ages of the junior runners who ranged from 3 to 12 years old, who were more than ready afterwards for a well-deserved rest with refreshments in the school courtyard, courtesy of AMPA and the Council.
“Kilometres of Solidarity” is more than just a race, as it is an educational Project showing commitment, in this case from Mojácar’s youngest citizens and the local educational community, to achieve a more just world, especially for its little ones.