Mojácar launches its autumn theatre season.

Mojácar Council’s Department of Culture has launched this Autumn’s annual theatre season that is set to take place every Friday until December 15 at the town’s Centro de Usos Múltiples.

Going under the slogan “Come to the Theatre”, the series kicked off with the comedy, “La Puebla de las Mujéres”, by the Hermanos Álvarez Quintero, drawing in a good audience of local residents as well as people from other towns The play was staged by Garrucha’s veteran acting group “Nacidas del Mar”, all aged between 60 and 80, who acted out the daily life and happenings of a group of gossiping local people from a small Andalucían town.
Raquel Belmonte, Mojácar’s Councillor for Culture was keen to point out the town’s great theatrical tradition saying, “Mojácar founded the province’s first theatre in which the whole town participated. The love for acting has never been lost and, today we have new generations of young people who have formed their own theatre group, Aquelarre, performing as well as writing their own works.”
The next show will be on Friday, November 2, with “Ninet y un señor de Murcia”, a classic by Miguel Mihura, performed by the group “La Cometa” from the Compañía Estable de Teatro de Almería.
Máximo Valverde will then appear in Mojácar for the staging of his own “Mi Querida Maribel”, sharing the bill with the singer and actress Eva Santamaría, who will be performing songs as well as taking on the roles of the different characters.
This will be followed by “La Enferma por Amor” by Carlo Goldoni and “Divorciadas, Evangélicas y Vegetarianas” by Gustavo Ott.
The season will end on December 15th with the local theatre group “Agrupación Teatral Aquelarre”, who will take to the stage with two works, “Laura” and, “Un Cadáver a los Postres” by Neil Simon.
All performances will take place in the town’s Centro de Usos Múltiples and tickets can be purchased on the door or in advance.