Guitar students from the Mojácar Municipal Music School give a concert in the locality

Guitar students from the Mojácar Municipal Music School have given a concert for residents and visitors to the locality, with a large audience able to enjoy a wide and varied repertoire.

Under the direction of guitar teacher Francisco González Ridao, the 11 students taking part in the concert performed, among others, an anonymous romance very well-known in the classical repertoire of this instrument, and popularised in the film “Forbidden Games”, as well as the theme titled “I will survive” and “The Godfather”, followed by such well-known themes as “My Way”, “Hotel California” and “The Sound of Silence”, among others.
All their perfomances were highly applauded, and the audience highlighted the pleasing impression of the major progress made by the students.
The guitar classes are currently taught as one of the disciplines within the Mojácar Municipal Music School. There are 23 students between the Spanish guitar, flamenco guitar, electric guitar and electric bass classes.
They are also included in the musical language classes, with two groups: beginners and advanced.
Francisco González Ridao has undertaken in Mojácar the task of forming a guitar orchestra with 11 of the school’s students. To this end, they rehearse every week to give form and consistency to this orchestra.
Francisco González has been teaching classes for more than six years in the Levante Almanzora area, currently holding the position of guitar teacher in the Cuevas del Almanzora Music and Dance School.
Mojácar Culture Councillor Raquel Belmonte highlighted the work of all the Municipal Music School teachers and how well they are embraced by the students, which year after year is seen in a high level of learning and performance.
The Culture Councillor also wanted to put special emphasis on reminding anyone interested, whatever their age, that they have the opportunity to participate in the Mojácar Municipal Music School and access the world of music, without effort, and in a fun and enjoyable way.