Mojácar Council gets excellent results at the Danish Golf Show

Mojácar has been at the Danish Golf Show Fair held in Denmark between the 23rd and 25th of February as part of the Ferie For Alle 2024, one of the most important Nordic and European countries’ tourism fairs in general and for golf in particular.

Tourism Councillor María Gracia Alarcón and Sports Councillor Jesús Montoya Gredilla travelled to the Danish town of Herning, where Mojácar Council was present at the RSB Golf stand, a Danish company with more than 10 years’ experience in the organisation of golf trips, together with members of Marina de la Torre Golf, being able to assist and promote the destination of Mojácar at this significant international tourist event.

An excellent location next to the Turespaña stand, with whom they also held meetings and set dates for future meetings and collaboration with this important entity with the aim of attracting sports tourism to the municipality, mainly outside the traditional tourist season.

During their stay at the Danish Golf Show, both councillors held intense meetings with the most prominent and leading operators in the world of golf, as a result of which agreements and contracts have already been established that are going to make possible the arrival of the first tourists in Mojácar throughout the autumn of this year and the spring of 2025.

An important agreement that María Gracia Alarcón and Jesús Montoya have obtained at this Danish fair given that golf tourism is long-stay, with a minimum stay and accommodation of one week and an average of between two weeks and a month, with the distinctive feature that they usually visit restaurants and shops regularly during their stay, participating and taking an interest in the destinations they go to.

The presence of Mojácar at the Danish Golf Show is worth highlighting for being the only stand and the first in its history that, as well as promoting its golf courses exhibited the distinctive features of the municipality, making the whole of Mojácar known: its tourism, cultural, historical and environmental offer. This circumstance has aroused great interest in the sector and has allowed for contacts with professionals interested in the destination, making it possible to create a list of contacts, in addition to the companies with which contracts and agreements have already been closed.

Both the Tourism councillor and the Sports councillor have come back very pleased with Mojácar’s participation in this fair. They believe that it has been a great opportunity for Mojácar and for the Local Council in their work to break the seasonal nature of tourism and attract long-stay tourism in the locality, undoubtedly of great importance, not only for hotel companies and tourist apartments, but also for shops and businesses, restaurants and the economic structure of the municipality in general.

It was also a great opportunity to contact new and important tour operators and, as they have stated, learn first-hand about the market and the needs they may have when it comes to bringing this tourism sector closer to the locality.

More than 40,000 people attended the For Alle 2024 Fair, with the presence of the major Danish and Scandinavian golf agencies, and where the participation of Mojácar did not go unnoticed: it got a good reception and, without doubt, has obtained excellent results from its first attendance.