Mojácar celebrates day of San Isidro.

Mojácar celebrates day of San Isidro.

With its traditional annual dedication to farming, Mojácar is set to pay homage to the patron saint of farmers, San Isidro, with a weekend of festive activities. Starting on Saturday May 12th, with floral arrangements at the Fuente at 7.30 p.m. this will be followed by readings in the Saint’s honour at 8.30 p.m. given by parish priest Don. Miguel Esteban, accompanied by the “Embrujo Mojaquero” Rociero Choir.
Later, at 10.30 p.m. there will be an open air dance with the group “Noches de Candela”, where as usual, many will be dressed in their finest flamenco dresses and there will be plenty of delicacies on offer including the traditional turrón nougat.
On Sunday, May 13th, the San Isidro romería pilgrimage with its decorated carts will leave the Fuente at 11.30 a.m. with a stop for a rest and snack at Las Alparatas for all pilgrims and companions, courtesy of Mojácar Council at around noon, where the Municipal Music Band will be ready in waiting to give them a deserved musical reception. They will then continue on to a picnic in the hamlet of Sopalmo, bringing the festive weekend to a close.
The good weather at the moment is expected to bring out Mojaqueros of all nationalities and visitors alike to join in the celebrations, just as in many other towns across Spain, with a chance to enjoy a day in the countryside. For locals, it is a day also to pay a
small tribute to Mojácar’s rural origins, a town that does not want to forget or lose the traditional calendar dates of its elders.