Mojácar holds its Christmas home made sweet tasting for third time.

For the third year running, Mojácar opened the doors of its Centro de Usos Múltiples to hold the ‘sweetest’ event on the Christmas programme.

For most people, the tasting of homemade Christmas goodies, accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate, is too tempting to miss.

The same thought occurred to around three hundred local residents, who turned up to taste the 150 kilos of homemade sweets and 100 litres of hot chocolate that 20 local cooks had prepared.
The idea was an initiative of Mojácar Council with the idea of preserving the taste for the town’s traditional recipes, created by older generations and, those that people today never seem to have time to make except perhaps at Christmas. Everyone also knows that you cannot beat good homemade cooking!

For Raquel Belmonte, Mojácar’s Culture Councillor, keeping the culinary traditions of our elders alive, should be in the forefront of our minds saying “it is one more facet of our heritage and our roots, our memories and our way of life and, traditional cuisine should continue in the following generations as an important legacy of local culture”.

With this idea, the women of Mojácar put themselves to work with the ingredients, which were supplied by the council, if requested. Turrón, cakes, mantecados, roscos, doughnuts, bombons, marzipan and a long repertoire of other sweets were all on offer in a “Free Buffet” style, accompanied by hot chocolate to warm the evening up. A new addition to the event was a homemade liqueur made by a townsperson to an old recipe, although strictly for the adults, giving a warming taste of Christmas to remember.

The final part of this Christmas themed evening included performances by the Mojácar dance groups, Nicky Mainstone’s “Prodanza” and Natalia López’s “Ultima Fusión” with singing by the “Escálamo” Choir, the “Embrujo Mojaquero” Rociero Group and “Grupo La Fuente.”