Mojácar Town Council proposes special weekends in the Town during the Autumn and Winter Season.

Visitors can discover the natural environment of Mojácar, its trails and interpretive and cultural routes which are full of beautiful corners. A professional guide will accompany hikers offering information about the routes. The hikes will take place every Saturday morning throughout the autumn and winter season.
In collaboration with the hotel sector, it is also intended to promote weekends in the town, taking full advantage of the excellent weather enjoyed by Mojácar; weather that allows for outdoor activities year-round.
Complementing these special weekends, the Town Hall has organised a series of theatrical productions with the performance of a different play each Friday evening, completing an attractive programme and just one more reason to visit Mojácar on weekends.
Mojácar Town Council proposes 7 different routes of varying difficulty, low and medium, but all of them suitable for families and tourists even if they have no experience of the activity.
The routes range between 7 and 10 kilometers. Some routes will be circular and others linear. Relevant information will be provided for each route regarding the degree of difficulty, duration and recommendations regarding clothing plus any other information that may be useful during the walk. The average length of the walk will be around two hours.
The free guided tours will begin on the 4th of November with the Sopalmo – Bordenares – Granatilla route. On the 11th the route scheduled is Mojácar village – La Paratá – Mojácar village.
Also during November, on the 18th, the route will be Las Menas Mojácar – The observatories. The following weekend, the 25th, the route will be the one that runs from Mojácar village – Alcantarilla – el Jalí – Mojácar village.
December 9th will see us following the route from Macenas Castle (cuerda de la chacona/rope of the Chacona) – Playa Sombrerico (Treasure Island) – Macenas Castle.
The interpretative route of the Huertas de Mojácar will take place on December 16th and on December 30th there will be a special visit for families – children with their parents will be able to visit the old town of Mojácar and take a two-hour tour in which the guide will show them all the magical and historical corners of the town.
Those interested can register for free at the Mojácar Tourist Office, at the hotels where they are staying, or by calling 950 61 50 25 and making any queries on the website
Mojácar Town Council will continue with this campaign of free guided tours and routes until spring.