Mojácar makes “International book day” special.
Many Mojaqueros of all ages joined in the fun, sharing all manner of books
Each year, Mojácar Council’s Culture and Tourism Departments set a different challenge to mark International Book Day, with books hidden around the town for everyone to search for. Given the current confinement, they have instead organised something different, along with the local Guadalinfo Centre, asking residents to upload a photo of themselves with a favourite book or a videos of themselves reading out a paragraph.
Through Facebook and Instagram, many Mojaqueros of all ages joined in the fun, sharing all manner of books ranging from “Don Quixote” to “Gone with the Wind.”
Mojácar is famous for talented and creative artists, as well as being the inspiration for numerous books, many by local writers. International Book Day was the perfect time for locals to select some of these to share, including “Mojaqueros de Hecho” by Francisco Haro Pérez”, “La Guajira” by José María Montoya and “A Peculiar Reign in Spain” written by the recently deceased Ric Polanski. Also selected, about Mojácar’s landscapes and people, were those recently published through Mojácar Council’s tourism section, “Leyendas Mojaqueras” and “Diccionario Mojaquero.”
There was no shortage of younger authors chosen, such as Maite Castillo Camano, a writer from Alicante, whose novel “Búscala!” is set in Mojácar and, Luisa Piñero, whose thriller “Llegado el Caso” is about a Mojácar hotelier and his ups and downs on an international trip.
The teachers at the town’s Garabatos Nursery made a charming video for the children, reading stories and sending out greetings to their little ones. The Bartolomé Flores teachers had the same idea, playing out characters from stories or adventures, to encourage reading and the magic of literature to help get through these days. The pupils also took part in a fun video entitled “POSTULEO de Cuarentena del Bartolomé Flores”, highlighting the many ways and places to read and have fun reading. Snapshots, arranged by the teachers and students of each class, showed that even in this difficult time of confinement, they could all manage to put on their best smile.